Dublin Dabbling
Not one to keep still for too long, I headed across the ditch to Dublin for a couple of days to visit my cousin Sivani and Bex, my dear friend from NZ. Unfortunately Johnny (Bex's hubby of only a few weeks) was away for work, but I think Bex and I did enough catching up for Johnny as well. :) My trip was only a couple of days but Dublin definitely turned on the weather for me - mainly sun and blue skies, no better way to see a city!
Me & Siv with our coffee cocktails. Yes I may have mixed my drinks a little, resulting in quite an awful hangover the next day :/
Now why couldn't I get weather like that... the spire looks much more impressive reflecting blue sky ;P
Great shot of you and Bex, miss you both!
Pyotr, at 3:22 pm
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