To explain a little more clearly, last year on my trip across Canada, I rather randomly met a Canadian by the name of Tim. We had a good long yarn (like you do on a 36 hour train trip) and at the end of the trip we exchanged emails and said "we should keep in touch". This may have faded into the usual "let's keep in touch" but it turned out that Tim would be heading to Germany to teach English at a high school, shortly after I arrived in London.
I had intended to visit Tim much earlier but what with Brazil, Egypt, Japan and of course my beloved NZ, I never quite got round to visiting him. So, when I heard that he was leaving Germany at the end of May, I decided I should get my A into G and go and visit him before he left. Courtesy of the wonderful EasyJet, a couple of clicks later I had a ticket for a week in Germany.
The thought crossed my mind that it had been over a year since we'd chatted and suddenly I was turning up on his doorstep for an entire week... However, Tim was a wonderful host and we got on really well - I remember thinking several times when I was in Canada, just how similar Kiwis and Canadians are. We also managed to do quite a bit of travelling around as Tim only had to work 1 day in the week I was there. Tim lives in Lippstadt, a sleepy little town, but we visited Dortmund, Cologne, Dusseldorf and Munster. He had mates in all these places so not only did we have local knowledge but free accommodation too - sweet as eh!
Something I got used to very quickly was having a personal translator! Germany was the first country I've been to in a long time where I couldn't speak the local language but I didn't need to struggle through the language barrier. It was soooo lovely to just say to Tim, "What's this? What does that mean? OK can I pls have it?" and be able to sit back and relax. What a luxury! :)
Anyway enough babble, check out the pics below.
The river Lippe, from which Lippstadt gets it's name
An old church, built as a competition to see who between Dortmund and Lippstadt could make a nicer church. (Dortmund won)
Tim suggested that this Monk was condemning me to hell... I dunno about that, but he certainly doesn't look all that impressed...
And I reckon these guys were having a bit of an altercation. Fella on the left is totally "Do you wanna take this outside?"

The Cathedral's towers are the second tallest gothic structure in the world, at 157m.
But bah, why seek out culture when you can stumble upon a wine fest in the town square?
Elsbeth (our Dortmund/Cologne host) and Tim
Pleasure craft on the river. It's not such a great picture sorry but the only one I got of the River Rhine.

A wedding ceremony spilling out of the town hall, where they posed for photos on the steps. Very cute and it kinda felt like something out of a movie...
Tim and I, posing proudly in our patriotic apparel :)
I wasn't gonna put this photo in at first, but then noticed the car behind me was a Mercedes so figured I had to because of zee Germaness of it
Loved this - the balloon was easily bigger than the kid :)