Nivi's Adventures

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Jerusalem - Asaf's turn!

You could spend many days if not weeks in Jerusalem so we figured we had to spend at least another day there. We checked out a few more sights with Asaf and Ayala as our tour guides.

"What do you mean all my teeth are gonna fall out if I buy all these lollies?"

On the way to the Dome of the Rock

This shows the different layers from the different periods. Foreground is deeper and older compared to the buildings in the background

Check out the size of the door! Had to get a pic in front of that one!

Going to see a boy about a bike...

Part of the Mosque (into which we unfortunately didn't get)

Mosque of Umar. There are Islamic security guards who police what people are wearing - which is why this guy is holding a shawl around his legs - no shorts allowed.

Ayala, Rick Asaf, Nivi and Tom. One of my favourite pictures from Israel!

The intricate mosaics on the Mosque.

Cute kiddies

An underground tour of the Western Wall. Our immaculate planning meant the only tour we could get on was conducted in Hebrew. No worries our locals Asaf and Ayala stepped in and did the interpreter bit rather fabulously :)

A model showing all the sucessive temples that have been on Temple Mount.

The biggest stone, often called the Western Stone. It's more than 13.6 m long and weighs approx 570 tons.

A close up of one of the stones. You can clearly see the 'frame' around the stone which indicates it was from Herod the Great's time.

Part of the excavations. Reminded me of entering Petra (Gosh turning into a bit of a travel snob or what!?!)

Rick enquires "Is that guy A) helping those ladies with their shopping, B) wearing ridiculously tight pants, C) casually sporting a large firearm or D) all of the above?" (You KNOW the answer is D)

Lots of traffic jams in Tel Aviv!

Whilst Rick and Tom napped (soft!) Asaf and I went for a drive and stumbled upon a few cool things...

Firstly the view...

Secondly a sight of the wall built to separate the Arab and Jewish settlements. I didn't realise it, but it was actually built in recent years and has apparently helped in cutting down the number of terrorist attacks.

And the third cool thing was a wedding!

Not a bad spot to have a wedding eh? And my first ever Jewish wedding, although I spose gatecrashing hardly counts ;)


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