Nivi's Adventures

Friday, September 29, 2006

When in Bahia, do as the Mexicans!

To me it seems a bit odd why you sample other nations' cuisine, when your local cuisine is so amazing and exotic. But yeah, I spose it's not so exotic if you've been exposed to it from birth...

So anyway, it was Joanalia's 21st birthday on Saturday so she invited me along or dinner and drinks on Friday night with her friends. Joanalia is the receptionist at the office here in Salvador. The venue was a mexican restaurant Tijuana (hence the earlier rambling) and it was a fun night, but a bit exhausting as there were very few people who could speak english. Much of my evening was spent listening intently for every word I could understand and racking my brain to conjure up all those elusive words when trying to form sentences. But I did manage to find time to do a little bit of eating, drinking and general merrymaking too :)

Joanalia & me

The group L-R: Nivi, Paulo, Joanalia, Milton, Igor, ??? and Wilson

The group grew! Dont know all the addition's names sorry

The girls - Anese, Joanalia & me

The boys - Paulo, Milton, Igor, ??? & Wilson


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